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Daisy Cutter Justice January 20, 2006

Posted by hallelujahhatrack in Politics, Uncategorized.
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Can we just drop a few dozen Daisy Cutters along the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan and be done with it?

What will it hurt? No one lives there except a few sheep, this idiot, and his band of merry men – all of whom are afraid to show their faces (the terrorists, not the sheep) unless it’s on a video that a goat herder took to Al Jazeera via donkey.

The good that comes out of it is that we don’t have to hear him run his mouth on all of the cable news channels every 13 months.

I thought that Sammy Davis, Jr. was the Candy Man? January 17, 2006

Posted by hallelujahhatrack in Politics, Uncategorized.

As we do every year on King Day, my boys and I spent the morning at a celebration event listening to various people – adults and children – deliver speeches and sings songs that remind us of what a great man Dr. King was, and still is.  All of this good will was in vain thanks to the ubiquitous jack ass in New Orleans.

OK, I used to think that Ray Nagin was simply incompetent – you know, the Peter Principle at its finest.  The fact that he had a five day head start to get a Katrina evacuation plan in place (I’m sure they get The Weather Channel in New Orleans, at least he must have heard something about it on the news…) is immaterial, he and his cohort in the governor’s office should have had such a plan in place within one week of their swearing in.  Common sense, isn’t it?

Apparently instead of creating a plan to saves the lives of the people who were stupid enough to elect him, he decided to pull a Pat Robertson and spend the time pretending to speak to God.  Why is it that when people screw up (ie: Mayors of major cities and death row inmates) they always turn to God to throw a cover over their guilt like he is some type of Almighty Magic 8 Ball?

Nagin: God, I really screwed up the whole Katrina thing and ended up killing thousands of people in the process.

The voice in Nagin’s head that he thinks is God: That’s OK, Ray.  It’s not your fault.  It’s the fault of the federal government.

Nagin:  Oh really, how so?

The ‘God’ Voice: Oh Ray, they shouldn’t be fighting a war that will keep terrorists from killing innocent people and in turn brining hope to the crappiest place on the globe.

Nagin:  They shouldn’t?

The ‘God’ Voice:  Of course not, we could use a 9/11 every few years.  It’s great for TV ratings.

Nagin: Thanks for you understanding, God.  I feel better now.

The ‘God’ voice: No problem my son.  And Ray…?

Nagin:  Yes, Sir?

The ‘God’ Voice:  If you get some time today, will you go rent me a copy of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”?

What should have been a great day of celebration, remembering, and action was negated by Mayor Wonka.  How does this guy still have a job?

One step forward, two steps back.

Find another criteria, please! January 12, 2006

Posted by hallelujahhatrack in Politics, Social Issues, Uncategorized.
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Most people realize that I have strong opinions on most topics, large and small, and that I am not afraid to let my feelings be known.  With that being said, I have absolutely no opinion on the subject of abortion.  Fortunately I have never been faced with this decision, but I do not look down upon anyone who has had an abortion just as I do not look upon anyone who has decided against this as being on some lofty moral plane.

The opinion that I do have surrounding this topic is as follows:  I continue to wonder why we select the leaders of our country (primarily the President, but currently with the Alito Inquisition) based almost entirely on the issue of abortion. 

This completely baffles me.  Why?  Because it’s not a political issue.  It is a social and moral issue, but not one is the cornerstone of our national election/selection process.  Now, I’m not saying that this is not a very important issue, because it is, but I’m not sure that who we select to steer our country – and in turn the world, should be based upon this issue.

(As an aside, I am confident that if 99% of conservatives are pro-life and 99% of liberals are pro-choice, that many of these people are lying and are simply following the partisan party line and not letting their true feelings be known.  Come on, strap on a pair and pick your side of an issue by using your true beliefs and not by what political party is listed on your voter registration card.  Sorry to get off track…)

I’m pretty sure that I can think of a few dozen items that are more important – Education. Poverty, Security, Immigration, Social Security, and the list goes on, and on, and on… – in the selection of a Supreme Court Justice, President of the United States, or any other elected official than abortion rights.